Application Highlights
Here are a few examples of applications developed by Korpra:

· Automated test systems, where users can create and run test recipes, monitor and record data to SQLServer.
· Microwave heating control using PID and other custom control algorithms. Application was built using National Instruments cRIO controller for real control and monitoring.
· Engine Control system for cam phaser testing. This application required precise timing to output simulated engine profiles achieved by using a cRIO and FPGA.
· Centralized database system to provide configuration information and data repository for test facilities deployed globally. The centralized database contained all test setup information and test results.
· Thermal image analysis application provided the user with a tool to analyze how the product reacted to high temperature environments. The application auto detected features and output data in specific format for further analysis.
Korpra has developed a complex automated test system, developed in LabVIEW, that is capable of testing multiple devices simultaneously; each unit under test (UUT) could have different test requirements. To provide this flexibility, a test executive software architecture was used to decouple test steps from the rest of the application. The test steps are executed in a test sequencing engine. Multiple test stations are distributed throughout the manufacturing floor and each station has a slightly different “personality.” A central database (Microsoft SQL Server) is used to maintain all system settings.